Episode 5: What’s Essential
Welcome to 5 “What’s Essential. I’m Sissy Siero your curator, your host for an audio story- wheel that’s stopping for a brief moment to check in with how we’re doing. We’ll hear stories about shifting priorities to find the what’s essential right now. Doing, having, perhaps being less, but better; a different gauge of time and energy spent. Also balancing personal relationships and purpose – not just how we work, where we live, and why we do what we do, but teasing, out of the tangle, the new essential – a closer look into the origins of patterns, and habitual thinking and life choices. Permission and room for the voice of innate, essential wisdom to have it’s say. Cracking open secret vaults, and daring to ask uncomfortable questions- how staying with them actually gifts us with a broader capacity for more grace, love, and confidence. The chance to lean into who we are now, and becoming. What a strange buffet this moment in our collective lives. The pandemic has been slowly deleting the noise obscuring, and distorting, the music I’d been trying to dance [to] my life to for years.

First we’ll hear from Meme – what became essential in her life during the pandemic and into the uncertainty of now…
Next up a conversation with Melissa Grogran – a Voice and Movement Expert – she’s worked with yogis, Somatic Therapists, yoga and voice teachers, and business professionals – most notably as the Dialect Coach for the AMC series The Son, starring Pierce Brosnan.

We’ll be right back with more of episode 5 after this…
Follow us on Instagram, and Facebook, at #LoveinthetimeofCOVID-19podcast, or at sissysierosvoiceatx, to get the latest episodes. You can also find us on my website – sissysiero.com, on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Now a reflection on what’s essential from acclaimed Austin-based Jazz musician Dan Redner. As an active Music director, pianist, songwriter, and educator, Dan’s incredible, generous heart, talent and music continues to touch so many lives; especially during the pandemic.

Next is an introspective share from a longtime friend and hotelier who speaks to us from her home in Uruguay. Throughout the pandemic, Laura has been a captive audience to nature’s play of seasons – I’ve lived vicariously through her brilliant daily photo journal – curating nature, and the 2 and four legged fellow travelers – enshrined in verdant landscapes. daily bike treks in the surrounding area became the through-line of her life in the off season. Opening the hotel back up brings surprising questions and insights…Here’s Laura:

I wish to thank my listeners, and story-tellers. I hope this episode inspires you to become a contributor on this podcast. Send your voice, your story because it matters, and you need to be heard.
This podcast moves in my life as a constant challenge to go deeper, look more closely – Episode 5’s theme, in particular, has sent me careening into more questions than ever. It started with the question: “Does it matter?” Does my work matter to anyone other than me, and a few close people. Is what I do and how I do it Essential? What’s my creative work’s tangible value? I know every artist has these seasons of doubt, but…. this is different. The next part of this wave of painful questions came when I began reading : “So you want to talk about Race” by
Ieoma Oluo. It’s demanding that I pay a deeper kind of attention; turn toward and into the ache of uncomfortable, and sometimes painful new questions, new spaces. If I haven’t been consciously part of the solution, haven’t I been unconsciously part of the problem? That has to be true, and it’s awful. This is the beginning of an essential personal change illumined by my awareness of my own implicit bias. The awful recognition of how small, and tightly wound my world had become. This terrible awkwardness…it’s a gift – and I intend to fully own it and weave it into a new version of myself, and my work. This is how I’m engaging with the urgent, broader societal change– leaping, stumbling and yet still dancing forward -for now, not worrying about where I land.

Please join me for the next Episode when we come back together in October.

Episode 4: RESET
I’m Sissy Siero and I’m glad to welcome you to Episode 4–RESET. We’ll listen to stories of situations perhaps not unlike your own; a collage of lives, circumstances and businesses RESET during the global pandemic and social upheaval.

The question of why and how did-we-get here, morphed into the BIG RESET—we’re deep in it now. Hard to miss the headlines, by-lines, blog posts, songs, multi-media projects, and team meetings- all focusing on defining the indefinable new, global reality. The Alchemy of RESET is the juice, the propellent. Permission to shape-shift, conjure and re-imagine our lives, our beliefs – from the deeply personal and private to society’s consciousness. It moves us forward, even while disequilibrium shifts perceptions, at each step; cajoles us not to grasp for the familiar; to reach instead for affinity, and unity.
Reset: an essential invitation we can’t refuse – because we’re already there.
In this episode along with contributors’ stories, I’ll introduce you to Leigh Hurst for a conversation about her resets. Leigh is the founder and executive director of the Feel Your Boobies Foundation, has a book coming out in the fall entitled “Say Something Big: Feel your Boobies. Find Your Voice.” She’s also a Relationship manager at TrainingPros, Inc. and, most importantly, mother of 2 young boys!

A tech note – you’ll hear some different audio in parts, and that’s due to the nature of live, on site recording, and stories sent in from different contributors.
I’ll let you know how to get your stories to me at the end of the show.
Let’s get into Episode 4: “Reset”.
Leigh Hurst – Welcome to the episode!
We’ll be right back with more of my conversation with Leigh Hurst after this…
Follow us on InstaGram, and Facebook, at #LoveinthetimeofCOVID-19podcast, or at sissysierosvoiceatx, to get the latest episodes. You can also find us on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.

And now back to my interview with Leigh Hurst

Leigh Hurst – thanks for bringing your stories and insights to the episode! It was truly great having you with me!

Leigh’s passion carries the power of her focus & intention. Her story of resetting her life during Covid, with the courage to go further into self-acceptance; to claim time, space and focus to serve the needs of the moment- the wellbeing and a new understanding of the most important people in her life – her kids. Her life’s profound reset to turn a battle with cancer, into a conscious choice to transform a simple Tshirt message into a foundation with a life-saving mission.

The Now a story from a writer and entrepreneur on the East Coast: The story is read by University of Texas Student Mason Marriott-Vos:

“With each article I read, every person I speak with, the value and breadth of a RESET went flying off in a new trajectory. We’re all thinking about,and trying to plan for Resetting systems and processes; for what could be next- for sure, but I’m equally interested in how my thought process has changed. How my inner conversation has taken on a new tenor. This could be the opening I’ve, privately, been desiring for a long time. My business, and the economy – well, it’s more than a bit of a guessing game, but I’ve been working on models to help predict where my sales will go – based on a year of no vaccine. Personally, and for society as a whole, the objective is to establish a new equilibrium. How do I fit into that? The brave new consciousness among political, economic, social, and environmental systems have to FIT together; more urgently now than ever. Can we move past insular, macro and micro economies, towards common goals? Can this shake-up coalesce in a collective universal momentum to aggressively address Climate change? Can Reset create new industries, processes, and economies? Ultimately, the only limit is imagination, and the will to make a new way forward. “
Here’s conversation between two partners and one of their sons, about their collective and individual resets- ones of love, protection, and family sheltering together in Austin TX.
David, a writer, reflects on the gift of Precious moments, and unforgettable connections – as the 3 find balance, and comradery in the simple things.
Noah, David’s son, and 2nd year law student, from NY, arrives for spring break and shelters in place with David and partner Joe; “time out of place” frames new perspectives on his life.
Joe, an attorney, connects the dots of the 3 lives as they form a new family unit around the unexpected, extended stay of David’s beloved son.
I join the guys for an early evening chat – from a safe distance of course, in their Clarksville home….
Our conversation wraps up on a joyful note- with so many reasons to be grateful in spite of, or perhaps because of the pandemic.
Bonds deepen, simple pleasures and love and appreciation; precious moments take on a life of their own; David, Joe and Noah…discovered a happy RESET.

I wish to thank my listeners, and story tellers. I hope this episode inspires you to become a contributor on this podcast. Send your voice, your story because it matters, and you need to be heard.
This episode’s theme has been a steady companion compelling me to explore the Alchemy of RESET; that alchemy transmutes, and strips away the usual, the ritual, the dependable structures that no longer fit or define; a tangible “grow or no go” process. Perfect in it’s imperfection this moment leading to whatever is next.

Please join me for the next Episode when we explore stories about what’s “Essential.”
Speak to you soon!

Episode 3: Sheltering in Grace
Welcome to Episode #3 – Sheltering in Grace
I’m your host, Sissy Siero. My guest for this episode is the multi-talented and truly wonderful Tasia Valenza, Emmy award winning Voiceover actor, Creator of Give Great Voice, recent TedX presenter, and mother of 3!
This show’s topic is near and dear to my heart and am excited to have Tasia to join me in this conversation to find how grace presents itself, how we learn our own ways to recognize, and become more available to it.
I’ll let you know how to get your stories to me at the end of the show.
So now let’s dive into Episode 3: “Sheltering in Grace”

Hey Tasia! Welcome! [Audio]

And now more of Episode #3 -Sheltering in Grace
And now a story from Charlie Love, and read by Claire Hamilton, a musician and songwriter from California:
“I have been using the practice of mediation daily to regulate fears and anxiety. I have found that when I use the energy from Sanskrit mantras, they transform my inner experiences of discord. The recitation of the mantra creates a sense of true peacefulness of the Self. I can use this anytime and the results are consistent. I am so grateful to have this practice to utilize in these unpredictable times.
On my shamanic path, I hike the first thing every morning. I have noticed how the outer environment has gotten quieter. I can hear louder than ever the wisdom of the trees, rocks, land and water. Ancient Wisdom is more available and wanting to be heard. That daily connection, helps me ground and know that the planet has stood in witness to so much dissonance. This gives me strength and helps me be present so I can choose to respond in interdependence communication. This too will pass and with the help of the elements and deep listening, I walk in balance and harmony during these unprecedented times.

And now a story from psychotherapist, grief advocate, writer, trainer and speaker -Candyce Ossefort-Russell- this is adapted from her Blog and is entitle “ Emotions are like Birds?” and I’m so happy that she agreed to share it with all of us here as well.
Candyce audio

Today, merely viewing a gallery of gorgeous photos taken on the grounds of a place sacred to me, made my heart melt into grateful tears… Little pieces of me, are flying back together, returning yet re-arranged in ways I didn’t know were necessary. Unbeknownst to me I have been Sheltered in Grace, even when I was sure I was lost and alone.

I wish to thank our contributors, and our listeners. I hope this episode dropped you all a little deeper into your heart of hearts, and reminded you, that You’re not alone. In our collective lives we are truly navigating and enduring a season unlike any other. As more and more truth and harsh realities are revealed, our voices of love, not hate, unity not division, are more urgently needed than ever before.
Please join me for the next Episode when we explore stories about lives ‘Reset” during the pandemic, and beyond.
Speak to you soon!

Episode 2: The Wedding
I’m Sissy Siero, your guide, your host, your virtual wedding coordinator – sharing an insider’s view of a socially-distanced blessed event – A wedding… right in our neighborhood; across the street no less.
How a clan of neighbors who, only 6 weeks earlier, went from waving to each other when we got into our cars, to a tightly nit group of new-found friends; banding together to make the best possible wedding, in the strangest possible situation, for a beloved couple – who had to postpone their big day, due to the pandemic.
You’ll hear live audio, from the Wedding and Reception, as well as other wedding stories; some from couples in the same situation as our friends, and a few stories from community writers remembering their own weddings.
I’m grateful to Justin and Mary Kate for allowing me to tell some of their story from this beautiful event, and to share it with all of you. It’s these moments that connect and remind us of who we are, what we’re doing and why – especially now when the pieces of our lives just don’t to fit together the way they use to.
First up the live Audio from Justin and Mary Kate’s wedding ceremony – April 24, 2020, ATX.
So, get ready- to raise a glass to love in Episode 2: The Wedding. [ audio from the Wedding ceremony]
This section of the show consists of more live audio from the wedding reception, and stories from couples experiencing the same thing as Justin and Mark Kate, as well as other stories of wedding memories.
And now… more of Episode #2 – The Wedding First up : 2 weddings in 35 days:
It was 2008, and we found out we could be legally married in – where else – California! So off we went.
Marriage license obtained at Beverly Hills City hall, where burly security guards congratulated us in gruff voices; queers of every stripe posing for happy photos on the steps; staring in disbelief as the license was pushed toward us through the slot and instead of a perfunctory close of the deal nod- this person looked up and gave us a warm, genuine smile.
Traci agreed to this adventure, more for me than anything, since to her it wouldn’t make a difference to our lives here in Texas. I know, but Damnit I wanted the piece of paper. I wanted what every other American citizen was legally able to do; it mattered!
That early evening It was to be just Traci, me, my BBF Hilary and her darling husband Jack, also there was an officiant I had met over the phone and spoke to twice.
Hilary and Jack had scattered rose pedals and hung chimes over the arch that looked out onto the blue pacific from park above Santa Monica – my idea of heaven.
When we held hands, looked into each other’s eyes and said our vows, my tears were not surprising – I could not believe my good fortune – was this really, finally happening! Wedding number 2 was 35 days later on our back deck in ATX. Full regalia this time. Family, flowers; Dad in his blue suit and pink tie, to walk me down the stone path. Traci’s Mother to walk her in to meet me; so many dear ones got up and read a wish, an invocation, a blessing for us, that became a book we still cherish; our darling friends decorated, helped with flowers, even hired a limo to whisk us away to a crazily decorated bridal suite at the Four Seasons; a few of our close boyfriends brought a sound system, set it up – DJ’s and Officiated.
We had a dance floor and catering; a photographer, white cafe lights and champaign and magic. And of course …beautiful Traci… – the way her hands felt in mine, her spirit filling my eyes….; our vows resonated with an even deeper intention this night. Time stretched and went it by in a whirl.
Something shifted in my consciousness that evening – 2 different weddings but somehow, the same experience. Without prompting my heart led the escape …melting a carefully constructed vessel I tried to keep it in. Happily undone… in the best way possible!
This is from Sam, who along with his incredible wife Pat, hosted the Wedding soirée on their font lawn and drive way:
“We had our own neighborhood version of creating a massive Stone Soup last week. Let me explain……
During this stay at home period the neighbors have gathered in our yard almost every evening to enjoy conversation, thoughts, and a bit of mental realignment. One of the newest neighbors is a young couple that had moved down from NYC. Actually they were traveling back and forth between Austin and NYC until they were fortunate to be in Austin as the world began to unravel and close down. They were safely away from ground zero . That was the good news. They had space and a yard and a neighborhood to enjoy as compared to being closed in in The City.
As the nightly conversations continued and relationships developed and strengthened ,we all shared and learned about each other. Turns out the young couple’s wedding plans had been hit by the Shut-in. Their original date was a Friday in late April. The evening conversation group saw no reason why a ceremony couldn’t still be held, right there in our front yard. The idea took root.
A license was obtained ( a whole story in that event alone that the bride best tells!) An officiant was available, so…. it was on.
This is where the Stone Soup – Wedding style kicked in. We provided a yard (the pot) and a sound system( the first stone). Another neighbor decorated an archway with ribbons and provided Tiki torches. Another neighbor provided flowers. Bottles of champagne from another neighbor. One neighbor involved their young daughter to draw chalk feet prints on the sidewalk and street to indicate appropriate social distancing. Many ingredients were added that yielded an amazing wedding, our neighborhoods own version of Wedding Stone Soup!
The ceremony was awesome! “Next up a story from Dee, another member of our neighborhood tribe, and the official bridal party ‘ florist’ :[ 1 minute]
“The wedding gave us something to look forward to and to focus on bedsides ourselves! So exciting to have something to do and someplace to be besides home. How cool it was to help two young people celebrate a marriage in a much different way than they ever thought they would. What joy it was to be able to participate in this special day that we would not have participated in had the original plans taken place. It was so fun watching the neighbors come together and each contribute something to the wedding ceremony. The wedding gave us all a purpose and a feeling of a caring and giving community that we are fortunate to live in. What a special day that will not be forgotten for many reasons.”
This audio story from sweet neighbor Caitlin- audio [ 1 minute]
Now this from Pepper looking back over 21 years : [ 1 minute]
Dog and I dated for 5 years before we married.I felt like he needed to marry someone his own age.
But he was resolved – It was his first marriage, and he wanted this 47 year old, previously married woman, to wear a big ..white.. wedding gown. It was so hard to agree to that! but I finally found a gown that was really white, lacy and even had a train!
But I felt so stupid… until I saw his face, the way he looked at me as I walked down the aisle toward, at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. Seeing him like that, well, it was all worth it. Now, 21 years later, we still celebrate our anniversary at the Bellagio every year.
He was a 30 year old groom; his parents didn’t approve of our union, even refused to attend our wedding! You know what, it is a such a pleasure to prove them wrong!”
Next up a story – from western Massachusetts and read by Annaliese Tassano, who is stepping out of her usual expertise- as a fantastic photographer- to give her voice to this contributor’s story [ 1.5 minutes ]
: “A few days after cancelling, I felt relief knowing that the decision had been made and that a new plan was in motion. The days leading up to my postponing, I had been nervously watching the news every day and staying up all night reading every news article. I was in a constant state of panic. I would have been such a wreck if we had gone through with the wedding. I know we made the right decision, and take so much comfort in knowing that we will have our day… eventually, but that still didn’t make it any easier! We made the decision to postpone our reception, but would still get married on our original date – how we’re going to manage that is still a bit of mystery, but as long as we have something kind of booked,? it feels better then being in limbo. So much is uncertain, my job and his; we both needed a little anchor to ground us.
Here’s one from a couple in Dallas: “Our guests were my 2 sisters, her brother and our dogs. Our officiant was skyped with my laptop on the mantle; and her brother filled in as our photographer -armed with an iPhone. Our outfits were a mash up of pieces we already had in our closets we both decided on more of a costume look- but we did get some shoe options from zappos! I hate high heels but she loves them so fancy white sneakers for me and pumps for the wife to be! Our official bridal photos after, showed us in masks, both holding roses, from the garden, in gloved hands. All in all it felt just about right. though we’ll get married again with everyone there, it was suprizingly special, and it made us all forget what’s going on right now – and that was worth it!”
The reception audio – -3 minutes
These are anxious times for all of us, but for Brides & Brides, Brides and Grooms, and Grooms and Grooms-to-be, and for people working in the wedding industry, it’s especially challenging, painful and heart wrenching.
This episode is dedicated to all of you – and especially to my darling niece Victoria and her wonderful fiancé Bryan: I wish with all my heart I could make it somehow easier for you -I hope this episode made it just a little better.
Thanks so much for listening to the episode! I must again thank my long time pal, music composer, engineer and producer extraordinair and talented vo artist, Simon Tassano for his great introduction! People keep asking me – who is that British guy – love his voice!
If you’re not listening on my website, Please click the link to go to the podcast page where you can sign up for the mailing list, AND if you click on the side bar – you can record a story for the podcast, right on the page! – so please join our community and add either audio, or a written story which you can send to- [email protected]
On our next episode I’ll welcome a very special co-host Tasia Valensa when we discuss what it means to: “ Shelter in Grace” during this pandemic. Speak to you soon!


Episode 1: Virtual Neighborhood
Welcome to “ Love in the time of COVID-19 ” –
you’ll join host, Sissy Siero- a distracted creative who is finally getting it together- and a chorus friends, family, neighbors, strangers, and colleagues; sharing poignant, honest, humorous, and sometimes, harrowing accounts of life, loss, love and restoration during the pandemic.
The podcast series’ mission is to create a welcoming space for a new community – one we never knew we needed. So pull up a lawn chair – at a safe distance of course – and listen to stories about ourselves, and each other.
Welcome – all of you …to my virtual neighborhood…I’m Sissy Siero your host, but really, I’m more of curator for the stories of your lives. This show is about all of us – it’s for you, for me – anyone who needs to speak, scream, rant, joke, cry or whatever – we here together and NEED to hear you- to know a slice of how your doing right now…today. We’re all gyrating to the heights and depths of our personal unknowns; the hidden moments of our lives.
Since I use my voice in business, I got the idea to offer to read other peoples’ stories; some don’t have the means, or just don’t want to hear the sound of their own voices! The process of collecting stories from around the neighborhood, and from around the world, is cheering me, and I’m very grateful to all of the contributors. As we get into the next episodes I’ll be enlisting some talented Voiceover colleagues to read your stories also, and to hopefully share some of their own. Speaking of which I want to thank, a long-time pal, music composer, engineer and producer extraordinaire and talented vo artist Simon Tassano for his spirited introduction! You Rock as always, handsome man!
Some tech notes – You’ll hear different audio quality and sound, throughout – and that’s intentional -stories are coming both in written form, and as audio shares.
I’ll let you know how to get your stories to me later in the show.
So here we go: “ Love in the time of COVID -19”

Stories: “Letter from Austin” [ 1.5 minutes]: I posted a selfie on IG wearing a homemade mask heading into Costco- the look in my eyes, says it all…it simply disturbs me a little deeper with every major shift; like when another daily habit, or ritual flies off the board. I keep remembering my Mom regaling me with stories of her childhood during the great depression and during WWII – hiding next to the stove reading, the kitchen dimly lit; a warm glow from streetlights through the newspaper covered windows; how they finally got use to air raid sirens going off at night. I think I kind of get it now since we’re living with a constant undercurrent of unknowing and fear; don’t think I’ve ever had this level of stress before.
Austin is still mostly fine – if in general unsure where we all are , and where will be when and if the full force of the roiling wave hits us; there’s a palpable tilting back and forth between anxiety and laissez-faire.
Getting Home: Our airline had cancelled our flights so we had to shop new flights, and many of the routes looked dismal with three stops, all in airports i didn’t want to be in. Meanwhile, the panic appeared to set in for a lot of folks who are scared, we are all scared, and I felt it well-up inside me everyday, a debilitating fear. We had many conversations about which decisions we are making in fear, and in our discomfort with uncertainty. Nobody is comfortable with uncertainty, and then with life or death circumstances, it is almost impossible to sort out the fearful responses from the beneficial ones.

“Trip to the Market –

“ZOOM” [ 1 minute] How many other people are stumbling through zoom meetings right at this very moment i wonder. Shit – I hate this! I hate the way my voice sounds – so like squeaky and pinched, like a teenager or some awkward geek; I’m an engineer – I’ve got a masters – what the hell is wrong with me! Look at them – I hate their smug faces – like they are all cool with this shit and I am sweating under my stupid blazer – I know I know, somehow the entire universe is comfortable in a casual shirt, but I Have standards. I don’t want to get sloppy – it makes me feel normal… as weird as that sounds; Maybe i’m just hiding ….I don’t know Just want to kiss my boyfriend; want to hug my mom. Fuck this. “What About the Dog”: Neighbors!! Please, please, please, people out walking down our block – don’t reach over the fence to pet my dog! Your facemask is nice but – Hello!!! you’re too close…and you’re touching him…and now I have to give him another bath!!! Alone in the Universe: Isolation has gotten under my skin – I live alone and work alone, so when I can’t take it anymore and have to get out – I feel so excited to see other people that I literally clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle the urge to yell – HEY, OTHER PERSON ACROSS THE STREET- how are you?? do you, ah, umm, want to know how I am?? Observations: I’ve been thinking about this and making observations to share.For me, the hardest part is not knowing how long this separate life is going to last. And now with the talk about “opening up” I wonder how much I will be able to embrace increasing the risk. I think we will be wearing masks for some time to come and I’m hoping that I will be able to get a pedicure soon!I’ve noticed that most people I see are getting more and more pale….I’ve noticed that most cars I see have not been washed….I’ve noticed that most people I see without masks are young…I’ve noticed that almost everyone I see needs a haircut!In so many ways it seems like we are all going through this together but I am reminded that not everyone is as lucky as I am. Sheltering at home may be a nightmare for some. Affording to acquire things to help entertain is not possible for manyHaving to take mass transit is the only option for some and for myself, I cannot imagine getting on a bus. Keeping the larder stocked is a luxury for most of us.Knowing that so many of our neighbors are struggling is depressing.
I take the toddler around the hood and try to act normal listening to a podcast – with my mask on, and a scarf around her face. I got the idea, that this will be the norm for at least another year- until a vaccine is available. I mean WOW. that made me drop to the floor of the bathroom tonight instead of the tub ledge, where I usually perch for my after dinner cry. how… will i find the courage – not for them, that’s easy; for me.
“A simpler Life” [ 1 minute] : What I have noticed about this time of social distancing is how much simpler life seems. For sure I am feeling the struggle in many ways but there are fewer choices. I have so many clothes. So many options. Deciding What wear to work could be stressful but now since I am doing online therapy, it’s easier. The only decision I have to make is to pick a top that doesn’t wash me out – nothing too loud or distracting! The bottom part of me? Ripped jeans and slippers. Last week I wore the exact same sweater every day. Why? Because the color was just right and it felt like too much to pick another. Easy! For once, I feel my vanity taking back seat.”Human Touch”: Like most people, I have had a lot of thoughts, but it comes down to this: I was taken aback by how abruptly human touch would fall away. It is, after all, a touchstone of what makes us know that we are loved. However, I have noticed that in the absence of touch, there is an abundance of kindness.So, that’s what I have been mulling over during this pandemic.I miss my friends! If quarantine lasts much longer, I may have to take up knitting or some kind of crafting.
Transformation:I heard recently that the world is like a ball of yarn, pull on one end and the entire thing unravels; Any thought of separateness is seen for what it is now – unreal, a lie, fear based. We’re all interconnected. I can’t remember, in my lifetime, ever going through the same thing the rest of the world is – at the same time. For most people there will be before and after this crisis, and for all of us life will never be the same.
“What’s Next?” So Today my darling wife tells me she doesn’t know if we’re suppose to be kissing ! WHATT?? Shifting gears – to the practical – There are some pretty inventive solutions going around on SM and you tube, about the change in outward appearances …HAIR: Some people are shaving it all off, and frankly the ones who do, look the happiest. what did I just hear – in another few weeks, because it’s already been 5, not only will most of us be suffering from hair trauma- which will become a therapy thing [ and maybe covered by insurance – I’ll have to look into that!] , but more cosmetic secrets will be revealed. Think of it – most middle age women will start to look a little on the angry side – ah yes – we’re taking no botox…Ha! and OUCH not ready to be that natural!Speaking of hair – I heard a woman say that she head about a desperate person put her hair out through the mail slot in her front door, and her hairdresser was on the porch, and cut it for her!! YIKES!! Someone else in the neighborhood was offering drive- through Botox! I mean how does that even work? And if she can do that – why don’t we have more testing right in the neighborhoods? Our neighbors have begun banding together when shopping for necessities -I love this! I heard, at a lawn chair happy hour, that people can’t visit, touch or even see their young grandchildren – the kids won’t understand why and it’s gut wrenching when they happen to see them in the neighborhood, can’t go to them, and can’t explain…good God.This virus…well it’s like a hurricane without wind; a fire with no flame.“Kindness in the Neighborhood” – My cousin had a good idea. Just a thought. Why don’t some of you people who’ve emptied the grocery store shelves of toilet paper, water, Lysol, hand sanitizer and baby wipes be a decent human since you now have more supplies than you will use in a year. Make up a care package for the 90 year old lady who lives next door on a fixed income. Bag her up some of this stuff and put it on her porch. And when she inevitably catches you doing it and asks you why – look her straight in the eyes and simply say, “I just want to know you’re going to be okay.” You think you’re afraid, how do you think these vulnerable, elderly people feel? Let’s all spread a little love and human kindness. The world needs more of this.“Tech savvy Seniors” : I have some very special, unique seniors I’ve been Working with who asked if I could Skype with them to help keep them fit!! We work with bands, light weights and balls.We work on functional movements to keep them Living independently!“Date Night” : My husband and I are looking to have a date night tonight, i.e. pick up a fancy dinner curbside and have a picnic on our driveway while the kids eat spaghetti and watch Netflix inside.Can you all please recommend good restaurants that are doing curbside right now? We have a few, but wonder – Where else?Thank god for people who can sew! Isn’t it amazing that so many wonderful, self-less people are either adding mask-making to their already loaded work day, or switching their daily work over to it. It looks like we’ll be wearing them -everywhere for a quite while so this caring community of seamstresses are no doubt saving lives, and making all of us feel a little safer.There are so many fun, practical, whimiscal designs, that I’m seeing around – my fav so far is the bra cup version! Can’t wait to see a guy sporting one of those! Black lacy anyone?

I’d love to hear about your favorites and please send pictures so I can put them on the webpage! Stephaine’s share.[Audio]
Thanks for listening to the episode! This project is giving me the courage to move forward creatively, and for that I thank all of our contributors, our listeners and the sites where we all connect! We’re all navigating and enduring one of the oddest most frightening season in our collective lives.
If you have a burning desire to rant, a story to share, advice to give, join the chorus of thousands of your friends, neighbors, total strangers, and colleagues, because this podcast is about you! Join our community and add your voice, your story to the expanding collage.