Episode 3: Sheltering in Grace
Welcome to Episode #3 – Sheltering in Grace
I’m your host, Sissy Siero. My guest for this episode is the multi-talented and truly wonderful Tasia Valenza, Emmy award winning Voiceover actor, Creator of Give Great Voice, recent TedX presenter, and mother of 3!
This show’s topic is near and dear to my heart and am excited to have Tasia to join me in this conversation to find how grace presents itself, how we learn our own ways to recognize, and become more available to it.
I’ll let you know how to get your stories to me at the end of the show.
So now let’s dive into Episode 3: “Sheltering in Grace”
Hey Tasia! Welcome! [Audio]
And now more of Episode #3 -Sheltering in Grace
And now a story from Charlie Love, and read by Claire Hamilton, a musician and songwriter from California:
“I have been using the practice of mediation daily to regulate fears and anxiety. I have found that when I use the energy from Sanskrit mantras, they transform my inner experiences of discord. The recitation of the mantra creates a sense of true peacefulness of the Self. I can use this anytime and the results are consistent. I am so grateful to have this practice to utilize in these unpredictable times.
On my shamanic path, I hike the first thing every morning. I have noticed how the outer environment has gotten quieter. I can hear louder than ever the wisdom of the trees, rocks, land and water. Ancient Wisdom is more available and wanting to be heard. That daily connection, helps me ground and know that the planet has stood in witness to so much dissonance. This gives me strength and helps me be present so I can choose to respond in interdependence communication. This too will pass and with the help of the elements and deep listening, I walk in balance and harmony during these unprecedented times.
And now a story from psychotherapist, grief advocate, writer, trainer and speaker -Candyce Ossefort-Russell- this is adapted from her Blog and is entitle “ Emotions are like Birds?” and I’m so happy that she agreed to share it with all of us here as well.
Candyce audio
Today, merely viewing a gallery of gorgeous photos taken on the grounds of a place sacred to me, made my heart melt into grateful tears… Little pieces of me, are flying back together, returning yet re-arranged in ways I didn’t know were necessary. Unbeknownst to me I have been Sheltered in Grace, even when I was sure I was lost and alone.
I wish to thank our contributors, and our listeners. I hope this episode dropped you all a little deeper into your heart of hearts, and reminded you, that You’re not alone. In our collective lives we are truly navigating and enduring a season unlike any other. As more and more truth and harsh realities are revealed, our voices of love, not hate, unity not division, are more urgently needed than ever before.
Please join me for the next Episode when we explore stories about lives ‘Reset” during the pandemic, and beyond.
Speak to you soon!